Since 1 July 2022, our company has donated €1 to the Femmes Solidaires association for each pair of shoes sold on our website. This is a long-term partnership with the aim of participating in the implementation of concrete projects in favour of women's rights. Whether it is about rights, equality between men and women or the fight against violence against women, Femmes Solidaires is committed to reducing all forms of discrimination and developing a non-sexist and non-violent education.
Femmes Solidaires is:
190 local associations, 4,500 women supported each year, 8,000 young people made aware of subjects such as gender equality, the fight against stereotypes, respect, the deconstruction of gender-based violence, secularism, the history of women's rights, cybersexism and cyberviolence.
Why did you choose to join forces
JB Martin got in touch with us and we were thrilled with the idea.
What will the funds raised through this partnership be used for?
The funds we raise will help us to continue our projects:
By setting up actions that involve women as much as possible, by carrying out sports and cultural projects, in particular by organising outings to museums and exhibitions. The aim is to get women out and about, and to open them up to culture and sport.
In addition, by carrying out outreach activities for women who have been victims of violence, to provide them with the best possible support in their endeavours.
And lastly, by developing prevention initiatives in schools, focusing on young people from primary school onwards, to raise awareness of gender equality and the fight against violence from an early age.
What will be the challenges for women's rights in the coming years?
Today, we live in a country with a substantial arsenal of legislation to deal with violence against women.
Since the #MeToo movement, women's voices have been heard more and more, but this legislative arsenal now needs to be applied across the board, i.e.
To delve deeper into the subject, do you have any recommendations for books, films, magazines or podcasts?